This time I think I have it Out of my system and will start playing with something else now. My husband wants me to paint some miniature figures and I've been trying to get stuff on Etsy in time for Christmas shoppers. Lots of work and just enough stress to keep me from sitting down to long but not so much I'm anxious.

I would like to dedicate this blog to the Glory Hound inside myself and among us, showing off your creations ,getting positive feedback ,and above all just doing something you can be proud of is so important to all of us in some way. Please never be afraid to ask me how I do something, I don't believe in keeping trade secrets. Please comment, suggest, and enjoy .
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sari ribbon blog hop better late than never
I missed my deadline for the blog hop while I was out Of town. But I did have the piece finished. I ironed out my ribbons and added a light starching to give more structure.Then hand stiched down in a flowing riffle pattern. The centerpiece is created from vintage style brass findings, lovely glass flowers from who knows what etsy site, pearls and ruffled ribbon. while it makes a lovely necklace, I also tied it as a head band and was asaulted with compliments.
.wonderful new goodies
I had a great visit with my mother and grandfather in east TX. We decided not to go to the renaissance fair, both of us realizing it would just be too much. I feel I did good and only had a few panic attacks; they were far out wade with all the happy memories and smiles. Upon returning home I was overcome with the need to create from all my wonderful new goodies. Bless my mother; she drove me to every thrift and antique store in a 50 mile radius. And on top she, packed a box of beads and findings for me to take home. I made four new pairs of earrings, a beautiful bracelet and painted a vintage pair of leather gloves.
The fun was creating them; the work was taking all the photos, luckily my kitten Chubs helped out. Isn't he cute?
Monday, October 10, 2011
Baby shower cookies
My husband volunteered me to make cookies for a baby shower at work. So last night I ask is it a girl or boy. His response" I don't know, make it gender neutral like yellow or purple". Purple it is, I cut round thick sugar cookies from my favorite recipe and visited Sugar bells blog for inspiration and icing tips. I've never worked with royal icing so it was an adventure. I started at 4:00 and ended about midnight. Never again, never again well maybe if I really love the recipient. But despite the mistakes and long time consuming details they turned out pretty cute.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Vacation anxiety
You may not believe this, but in the 14 years I've been with my wonderful husband, we have not been apart for more than 48 hours, and even that was only once. So for my first vacation since I was in college, I am going out of town and leaving my husband at home for a whole week. I have serious pre separation anxiety. Part of me thinks it could be good for us. The whole the heart grows fonder thing. But when we are both even more in love with each other than when we married, I only think I will get really lonely. I'm afraid I will not be able to sleep (so I packed sleeping pills). And I'm afraid I will have panic attacks and not get to enjoy myself (more pills for anxiety). But then I breathe in deep and tell myself it will be alright. I want to go see my family; it's been seven years since I've visited my mother and five for my grandfather. Although we are talking and texting all the time it's not the same. Also I really look forward to helping my mother knock off one on her bucket list. She has always wanted to go the Houston ren fair and see the fairy parade, her excitement is contagious, and we are both dressing up and going to run around like crazy children all weekend long.
I want to get in some great shopping. I've depleted all the thrift, salvage, antique stores in my area. I have one day a week I make myself leave the house and I do "my rounds". I'm so regular that most the employees and owners know me by name and tell me what they have got in I would like. It's good to go where everybody knows yours name. And since these stores and personnel are so familiar to me I find the outing less stressful and rarely panic attack inducing. The good news about shopping on my vacation is I will not be alone. My mother will be on her scooter going faster than I can run to catch up and grab a pretty off the rack before she does. So all in all I'm excited, scared and hopeful about my first well deserved vacation in over a decade. But I do wonder what my husband will do without me. We'll see
Wednesday: Fly into Dallas, moms picking me up for shopping
Thursday: Spend majority of day with Grandfather and help take him about town
Friday: 4-5 hour drive to Houston rest at hotel and maybe some sight seeing
Saturday: Early morning to get all dolled up for ren-Fair
Sunday: Drive back and recover at mom's house, Find time to visit my Father
Monday: Help mother at her store setting up displays and the like and escape for local historic downtown Kilgore shopping
Tuesday: More grandpa time and Take mom to antique stores, Tyler, Longview, or Gladewater
Wednesday: Early morning Dallas shopping and late evening fight back into Amarillo. Demand snuggle time from husband
Vintage crafty fun
A trip to the local thrift store unveiled some lovely vintage gloves. I had to do something with them as they had obviously just been sitting in a drawer forgotten for ages. So to bring them out and into the light I painted them up with steam punk inspired images. I was hoping that a steam genera enthusiast would love them. Not but a few hours after finishing and posting them on ETSY, one sold. Yipee vintage up cycling !
Friday, October 7, 2011
Free bead give away is back sorry for the delay
I apologize for not posting in so long. Life just likes to throw a lot of crazy stuff aimed your way at once. You just have to keep climbing. I was told God never sends anything you can't handle. It's true, and everything is ok. So let's have some fun I have a drawer full of polymer clay goodies on sale at etsy and I'm going to send one grab bag out free. All you have to do is comment on this post. I will be leaving to visit family so this will run for two weeks. Good luck and sorry for the delay.
drawing is closed
Therese's Treasures won this free bead give away , I will post a new bead give away soon so check back
drawing is closed
Therese's Treasures won this free bead give away , I will post a new bead give away soon so check back
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